Tecom Group, a Florida-based provider of software solutions for broadcasters, welcomes a new build of ORBOX automated file quality control system.
New ORBOX has made possible the analysis of the whole file bundles. The system users are now able to process M2V video files alongside with audio tracks attached as separate WAV files. The entire bundle is verified as a single unit of content. The same procedure is applicable to a set of MXF OP-Atom files.
ORBOX Media Player has undergone a significant update with an offline mode made available. Now the results of analysis can be watched in the player without the system being launched: all the user needs is to open the video file inside the locally installed ORBOX Player and upload the ORBOX JSON report on this file to the player (the report should be previously downloaded from ORBOX). The same mode is available for Adobe Premiere Pro plug-in users.
Here are some further upgrades for media player:
• Ability to change the speed of video playback
• Ability to scroll the video timeline using a mouse wheel
• Ability to shift the video slider in a minute-by-minute or second-by-second mode (in addition to the existing frame-by-frame shift)
Extended settings have become available for the Interlaced scanning type detection test. Now it is possible to decide on the field, TFF or BFF, to be marked as defective. This option can be useful if there is a video file that contains scenes with different field order, and it is necessary to identify scenes with an incorrect order. For example, if TFF is the correct order and it’s required to locate all BFF fields the system user should set up the value of BFF in a specified section.
Read more about the ORBOX system on the website www.orbox.pro